Growing ivy is a breeze with CreatIVY

Built by visualisers for visualisers in 3D Studio Max.

With CreatIVY, you can interactively grow ivy over any three-dimensional mesh or as a freestanding shrub or bush. Based on the original ivy generator by Thomas Luft, this plugin has been rewritten to work seamlessly and interactively within 3ds Studio Max.

Realtime update on all parameters

realtime update on moving ivy or collision mesh

Multimat material IDs and 3 included leaf types


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Save ivy parameters for easy reuse between projects. Create a library of free standing and attached ivy types.

3D Mesh

Assign any 3dsmax polymesh as the collision object of the ivy. The ivy will then cling to and climb over the mesh surface.

Leaf Materials

The plugin comes with thee leaf types (Arnold Material) that can control up to 10 leaf material Ids.

Tips on using the creatIVY plugin

Shrub / Tree mode

When using the cr8ivy plugin without the being attached to a mesh, the ivy Float Distance should be increased to ensure that branches do not die too soon. The ivy Size can also be increased to create a larger plant. The Branch percentage will control the density of the plant as the Max Age dial is increased.

Growing on mesh Mode

Once a mesh object has been assigned to the ivy, the Stickiness Percentage and Distance will control the extent of the ivy growing across the mesh.